CS 272 Software Development

CS 272-01, CS 272-02 • Fall 2021

Project 4 Web Crawler

Associated Assignments Project 4 Web Crawler

For this project, you will extend your previous project to create a multithreaded web crawler using a work queue that builds the inverted index from a seed URL.

This writeup is for the web crawler functionality only. See the general Project 4 Writeup for more details.

The eligibility requirements for this project are the same functionality eligibility requirements of the previous projects. Specifically:

If you are missing a grade you should already have, please reach out to us on the course forums.

The core functionality of your project must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Maintain the functionality of the previous project.

  • Process additional command-line parameters to support the functionality of this project. See the Input section for specifics.

  • Support the same output functionality as before. See the Output section for specifics.

  • Add support to build the inverted index from a seed URL instead of a directory using a web crawler. For each page crawled, this includes:

    1. Use sockets to download webpages over HTTP or HTTPS, following up to 3 redirects. See the “Downloading URLs” section for details.

    2. The web crawler must remove certain HTML block elements, process links from the remaining HTML, and then add the found URLs to a queue for further crawling. See the “Processing URLs” for details.

    3. After processing links, remove HTML tags and entities, and then add the remaining stemmed words to the index. See the “Processing HTML” for details.

  • Use a work queue to efficiently multithreaded the web crawler such that each worker thread handles all of the processing associated with a single web page. (This includes everything from downloading the web page to adding the processed text to the inverted index.)

  • To avoid a infinite crawl, the web crawler should crawl up to a fixed limit of unique URLs (including the seed URL).

  • Your code may NOT use any of the classes in the java.util.concurrent package.

The functionality of your project will be evaluated with various JUnit tests. Please see the Testing section for specifics.

Downloading URLs

For each unique normalized URL that must be crawled (up until the limit), the worker thread must:

  • Use sockets, NOT use the URL class, to download the web page over HTTP or HTTPs.

  • If the HTTP response status was a redirect, follow the redirect up to a limit of 3 redirects (to avoid an infinite redirect loop). The content at the end of this process will be assigned to the original URL.

    For example, the URL ~cs212/redirect/one eventually redirects to ~cs212/simple/hello.html. However, the web crawler will associate the content of ~cs212/simple/hello.html with the original link ~cs212/redirect/one instead.

  • If the HTTP response status code is 200 OK and the content-type is HTML, download the HTML (without other HTTP headers) for additional processing.

See the next section for how to process the downloaded HTML content.

Processing URLs

Once the HTML has been downloaded, the next step is to process that HTML to find additional links to crawl. Specifically:

  • Remove any HTML comments and block elements that should not be considered for parsing links, including the head, style, script, noscript, and svg elements.

  • Parse all of the URLs remaining on the page, and convert them to normalized absolute form (remove fragments, convert relative URLs to absolute URLs, etc.).

  • For each of the processed absolute URLs, queue a new crawl of that URL if:

    1. The maximum crawl limit has not yet been reached.

    2. This URL has not already been crawled or queued to be crawled.

If using the work queue properly and the maximum limit is 50 URLs, then the first 49 unique URLs on the seed page (plus the seed URL itself) will be part of the crawl.

Process HTML

Once the links have been processed, the next step is to process the remaining HTML and add the stemmed content to the index. Specifically:

  • Remove all of the remaining HTML tags.

  • Convert any HTML 4 entities to their Unicode symbol and remove any other HTML entities found that could not be converted.

  • Clean, parse, and stem the resulting text.

  • Efficiently add the stems to the inverted index.

Your main method must be placed in a class named Driver. The Driver class should accept the following additional command-line arguments:

  • -html seed where -html indicates the next argument seed is the seed URL your web crawler should initially crawl to build the inverted index.

    If the -html flag is provided, your code should enable multithreading with the default number of worker threads even if the -threads flag is not provided.

  • -max total where -max is an optional flag that indicates the next argument total is the total number of URLs to crawl (including the seed URL) when building the index. Use 1 as the default limit if this flag is not provided or is not provided with a valid value.

The command-line flag/value pairs may be provided in any order, and the order provided is not the same as the order you should perform the operations (i.e. always build the index before performing search, even if the flags are provided in the other order).

Your code should support all of the command-line arguments from the previous project as well.

The output of your inverted index and search results should be the same from the previous project. As before, you should only generate output files if the necessary flags are provided.

You must pass 100% of the tests in the Project4Test.java group of JUnit tests. This test group does NOT include the long-running runtime tests that benchmark your single- versus multi-threading code for the previous project. However, it does make sure your new web crawler code runs faster with 3 threads versus 1 thread.

 These tests are only for the web crawler functionality. The search engine functionality will be verified during the final code review appointment, not via automated system tests.

The following content from this semester may be helpful in completing this project:

  • The LoggerSetup homework assignment demonstrates how to configure log4j2 to debug code.

  • The Sockets lecture code illustrates how to use sockets and create HTTP requests (useful for the HtmlFetcher homework).

  • The HtmlFetcher homework assignment will help follow HTTP redirects and download HTML over a socket connection.

  • The HtmlCleaner homework assignment will help process the download HTML. Be careful about how much HTML content is removed before links are parsed!

  • The LinkParser homework assignment will help parse links from HTML (after block elements are removed).

  • The TextFileStemmer homework assignment will help parse the remaining content after cleaning the HTML into stems to add to the inverted index.

  • The WorkQueues lecture code illustrates how to use a work queue and create tasks for recursive problems (like web crawling).

  • The WorkQueues lecture code illustrates how to speed up multithreading code and avoid problems with over-blocking.

It is strongly recommended to pass all of the homework tests before integrating them into your projects.

It is important to develop the project iteratively. One possible breakdown of tasks are:

  • Get log4j2 working and start adding debug messages in your code. Once you are certain a class is working, disable debug messages for that class in your log4j2.xml file.

  • You must have an efficient approach to multithreading to pass all of the tests. You should wait until you have at least one project 3 code review and are able to pass those runtime tests before starting this project.

  • Outside of the relevant homework and lecture classes, there is likely only one new class (a web crawler class) required for this project. However, you must be careful to properly multithread and synchronize in this class!

The important part will be to test your code as you go. The JUnit tests provided only test the entire project as a whole, not the individual parts. You are responsible for testing the individual parts themselves.